Choosing My Contractor

Choosing My Contractor

  • Fill Your Basement With Natural Sunlight Using These 5 Tricks

    Basements offer a lot of extra square footage and unlimited choices in how to use it. But they also have their own inherent challenges. One of the most difficult for many homeowners is natural lighting. After all, this part of the house is largely built underground. How can you improve natural lighting in basement common areas? Here are a few of the best and most efficient ways.   1. Add Egress Windows

  • 4 Challenges Of Remodeling A Finished Basement

    People who discuss basement remodeling often focus on converting a basement to a more involved purpose. While it's a less popular discussion, renovating a finished basement also presents some challenges. If you're preparing to remodel a finished basement, you may need to address these four issues.  Mismatched Purpose Just because a basement is finished doesn't mean that it necessarily matches your proposed purpose. If the basement used to be someone's game room, for example, it might not have sufficient electrical lines and power types now that you want to use it as a workshop or craft room.

  • Improving Your Commercial Roof's Ventilation

    When replacing a commercial roof, it is essential to address ventilation, but this is a critical aspect that is often overlooked. Adequate ventilation is indispensable for ensuring the longevity and effectiveness of your new roof. Know The Importance of Ventilation In Commercial Roofing Proper ventilation is paramount in maintaining a comfortable environment within a commercial building. Inadequate ventilation leads to the accumulation of heat and moisture, which can cause extensive damage to your roof and building structure.

  • Protecting Your Roof Against Hail Damage

    When it comes to roofing, one of the biggest concerns for homeowners is how well the roof can hold up against hail. Hailstorms can cause significant damage to residential roofs, resulting in costly repairs or even a full replacement. Choose Hard Materials For Your Roof Hard roofing materials have significantly better performance against hail than softer options. Metal and clay tiles are excellent options for hail-prone regions, as they are less likely to crack or break from hailstone impacts.

  • Three Key Tips For Adding Solar Power To Your Home

    Solar power can be an excellent source of green energy. With solar panels, you can produce your own power at home, lowering or even eliminating your energy bill. In most sunny areas, there are at least a few different companies you can hire to install solar panels on your property. Here are a few tips to follow if you do decide to use solar power. 1. Consider solar roofing instead of solar panels.

  • 2024© Choosing My Contractor
    About Me
    Choosing My Contractor

    By the time I finally finished saving money for my new home, I knew that I wanted something special. I didn't want to buy a starter home, and I really didn't want to deal with fixing up an older place. Instead of scouring the market and dealing with real estate agents, I decided to work with a general contractor to start building a place of my own. However, I didn't choose my contractor willy nilly either. I spend hours interviewing and researching various construction firms until I found the business I wanted to work with. This blog is all about working with contractors, so that you can make better construction decisions.